Customer Service: +1 707 596 7382


How is the shipping cost calculated?

Shipping costs depend upon the shipping methods and options you choose. Expedited handling and overnight delivery cost more than shipping for items that are not urgent. Please also note that the shipping rates for many items are weight-based. All weights will be rounded up to the next full pound.

Which forms of payment do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards, including Mastercard, Visa, American Express, and Discover. We also accept payment from Money Gram, Western Union and Walmart to Walmart, though this can extend your processing time by 3-5 days.

Can I track the shipment?

All items shipped will have tracking information. Once you receive your shipping confirmation email, a tracking URL will be provided, if available.

How do I speak with Customer Service Agent?

To speak with a customer service agent, simply call +1 (707) 968-7009. Our customer service agents are available Monday through Friday, 09.00 AM to 6.00 PM and Saturday – 10.00 AM to 6.00 PM . Calls placed on Sundays or after business hours will be returned on the next business day. You can also use our live chat system.

What guarantee do you offer that I will receive my shipment?

As long as you have provided the correct delivery address, if your shipment does not arrive at all we will offer to re-ship or apply a credit for the full amount to your payment, whichever you choose.

Why are your prices so much lower than other overseas shipping companies?

With Copper Express Logistics, everything is done “in-house,” when shipping your vehicle or personal items, therefore we are able to pass the price savings onto our customers.

Can you arrange for a container to arrive at a specific date?

All dates (departure/arrival) are estimates and based on information provided to us by the carriers. They may change at any point before or during transit so, therefore, they’re not guaranteed. However, we furnish our customers with any updates as we receive them.

Can you ship my pet?

We can export most domestic pets, including dogs cats, rabbits, birds, reptiles, hamsters, and even horses. However, there are some restrictions on certain breeds, species and destinations.

What types of customs fees can I expect to pay?

Unfortunately, we do not have detailed information on customs fees and tariffs. If you have any questions about applicable duties and tariffs, please contact your local state department office prior to ordering. If you refuse a package at the customs office, and it is returned to us, we will not refund the cost of shipping the package to you.

What happens if my package becomes damaged?

If you package was damaged in shipment, you must immediately notify the carrier via phone (1-800-PICK-UPS, or 1-800-GO-FEDEX). They will initiate a claims process on the damaged package. After calling the carrier, please call Pelican Parts Customer Support, and notify them of the damage. We will make arrangements with you to replace the parts that were damaged.

What is a ‘Pet Passport’?

A Pet Passport officially records identification and vaccination information for your pet so they can travel more easily.

Can I have my item shipped to another address?

Yes, in most cases you can elect to ship your item to a different address. To ensure that your item gets approved, your billing address must match the same address on your credit card. Please note, we cannot accommodate split shipments.

Do you have any restrictions on what you can ship?

We cannot ship flammable or hazardous substances on airplanes, which means that these goods can only be delivered by ground shipping only. We do not ship batteries via the mail, and we also do not ship windshields, as they are way to easy to break in shipment.